Dr. Alexandra Komrakova

Associate Professor

The physics of turbulent multiphase flows is one of the most interesting areas in engineering and science. Multiphase systems are composed of at least a carrier (continuous) phase, which is typically liquid or gas, and the dispersed phase, which can be gas, liquid, or solid. My specific interest is the behaviour of systems of two fluids separated by a deformable interface: gas/liquid dispersions and liquid/liquid emulsions. These systems are used in numerous applications in engineering processes and everyday life: production of consumable goods (food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals); oil and gas transportation; and chemical engineering (emulsification, phase separation, polymerization). The complexity of two immiscible fluid flow gives rise to numerous fundamental questions of fluid mechanics. The ability to control turbulent multiphase systems is challenging and it is a major factor for the safe and efficient operation of any processes involving dispersions and emulsions.

General Information
Chemical engineering
  • Stage Ph.D
  • Location Canada
  • Date 2014
  • University University of Alberta
Mechanical engineering
  • Stage Master of Science
  • Location Russia
  • Date 2010
  • University Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Research interests
  • Numerical modeling
  • Direct numerical simulations (DNSs)
  • Liquid-liquid systems
  • Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
  • Lattice Boltzmann Method
Research Areas
  • Engineering Department Executive
  • Energy And Environment
  • Fluid Mechanics And Systems
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Turbulent Flows
  • Multiphase Flows
  • Numerical Modeling
  • Direct Numerical Simulations
  • Liquid-Liquid Systems
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • MEC E 539 - Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics