Dr. Mahdi Khodayar

Assistant Professor

Mahdi Khodayar, Ph.D., received his B.Sc. degree in computer engineering and the M.Sc. degree in artificial intelligence from K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2013 and 2015, respectively, and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Southern Methodist University in 2020. He is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at The University of Tulsa. His main research interests include machine learning and statistical pattern recognition. He is focused on deep learning, sparse modeling, and spatiotemporal pattern recognition. Khodayar has served as a Reviewer for many reputable journals, including the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, and the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Khodayar’s projects are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), as well as the TU Cyber Fellows program.

General Information
Electrical Engineering
  • Stage Ph.D
  • Location United States of America
  • Date 2020
  • University Southern Methodist University
Artificial Intelligence
  • Stage Master of Science
  • Location Iran
  • Date 2015
  • University Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology
Research interests
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Deep neural networks
  • Statistical pattern recognition
  • Probabilistic graphical models
  • Power systems
  • Transportation systems
  • Renewable energy
  • Computer vision
  • Image processing
National Science Foundation (NSF) – Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) Division – Spring 2022

US Department of Transportation – Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) – Fall 2023

Zelimir Schmidt Award for Early Career Research (Spring 2023), The University of Tulsa

Honors Student Award of Exceptional Talents (December 2015), Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology
