Dr. Jiaqi Gu

Assistant Professor

Jiaqi Gu is an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University. He received his Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin in 2023 and his B.E. from Fudan University in 2018. His research interests include emerging hardware design, efficient AI hardware design, electronic-photonic mixed-signal platforms, and more. Jiaqi Gu has received numerous awards for his work and has several publications and ongoing research projects.

General Information
Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • Stage Ph.D
  • Location United States of America
  • Date 2023
  • University The University of Texas at Austin
Research interests
  • Emerging Hardware Design for Efficient Computing
  • Efficient AI hardware design
  • Electronic-photonic mixed-signal platform for high-performance, energy-efficient computing
  • Efficient Algorithm, Co-Design & Automation
  • Parallel Computing, GPU Acceleration
  • Photonic Computing
Professor positions
  • Deadline : Jan 01, 2025
  • Start : 4 Months later
  • Duration : 48 month
  • English
  • Fund : 0
  • Fee : 0

I am looking for 1-2 PhD students for Fall 2025 and 1-2 research interns for Fall’24/Spring’25 to work on photonic AI system design and AI-assisted Electronic-photonic design automation at Arizona State University ECEE. Ideal candidates are those with Bachelor/Master’s degree in EE/CS/CE.