Dr. Paul Sheridan

Assistant Professor

Assistant Professor; Analytics & Statistics Program Lead. Visit Paul’s personal website at https://paul-sheridan.github.io/ to find out about him and his research activities.

General Information
Mathematical and Computing Sciences
  • Stage Ph.D
  • Location Japan
  • Date 2011
  • University Tokyo Institute of Technology
Probability and Statistics
  • Stage Master of Science
  • Location Canada
  • Date 2007
  • University Dalhousie University
Research interests
  • Computational genomics
  • Information retrieval
  • Complex networks
  • computational text analysis
  • knowledge representation
Professor positions
  • Deadline : Jan 01, 2025
  • Start : 4 Months later
  • Duration : 24 month
  • English
  • Fund : 20000 CAD
  • Fee : 75 CAD
Master of Science School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences ,

I am actively recruiting MSc students who are interested in researching energy-efficient, and therefore sustainable, machine learning methods for text analysis applications. Applicants must hold a BSc in Data Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, or related field. A s