Dr. Sadaf Salehkalaibar

Assistant Professor

Sadaf Salehkalaibar is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba. She has a background in statistical machine learning, distributed learning, and privacy/security challenges in the Internet of Things. Her current focus is on developing efficient algorithms for explainable artificial intelligence and learning large models.

General Information
Electrical Engineering
  • Stage Ph.D
  • Location Iran
  • Date 2014
  • University Sharif University of Technology
Research interests
  • Statistical machine learning
  • Neural compression
  • Deep learning and information theory
  • Machine Learning
  • Security
Professor positions
  • Deadline : May 01, 2025
  • Start : 8 Months later
  • Duration : 48 month
  • English
  • Fund : 0
  • Fee : 100 CAD

I am looking for a PhD student and some MSc students to join my research group at the Computer Science department of the University of Manitoba to work on realism in data-driven learning. The ideal candidate will have a solid background in ma