Fully funded Ph.D. positions are immediately available in my research group at UMass Lowell. We are seeking to hire candidates with a background in computer vision for NDT&E and automated damage detection.
I am looking for a PhD student and some MSc students to join my research group at the Computer Science department of the University of Manitoba to work on realism in data-driven learning. The ideal candidate will have a solid background in ma
I am looking for Ph.D. and MSc students to supervise at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS(UTP), Malaysia. UTP is among the top universities of the world in the QS and THE ranking. The minimum criteria and rules are as follows:
I am looking for Ph.D. and MSc students to supervise at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS(UTP), Malaysia. UTP is among the top universities of the world in the QS and THE ranking.
The minimum criteria and rules are as follows:
1. The students have to engage in topics relevant